Monday 15 August 2011

Keep Your Moped Safe For Cheap Moped Insurance

Mopeds and scooters are notoriously easy to steal and over 20,000 are taken every year with a very small percentage being recovered. As they are very light they can be easily lifted into a van, pushed away or even started up and ridden away. The majority of scooters stolen are from people homes, as only about 50% of scooter owners actually lock their scooter up, so here is a list with some tips for keeping your moped safe and keeping it yours. 


Not everyone has a garage but if you do, make sure it is locked away in there, it will stop the opportunist thief and will also stop thieves scoping out areas from knowing you have one, if the garage can be alarmed that is even better, storing it in a garage will usually get you cheap moped insurance too. 

Ground Anchor and Chain

If you are leaving your moped in a garage or on a driveway, it is a good idea to use a strong ground anchor and chain, these drill deep into the ground and mean that theives can't simply pick the bike up and put it into a van without cutting the chain off or angle grinding the ground anchor, which is a pretty noisy way to steal a bike. If you pick the right ground anchor this will help you get cheap moped insurance.

Buy an Alarm & Immobiliser
Many new mopeds, particularly the more expensive ones if bought new will come with an alarm, make sure you use it, if you have one without, look into having one fitted with an immobiliser. Looking out for the ones approved by Thatcham and Sold Secure are key to ensuring they are the best and will also lessen your insurance. 

Use a Cover
It's a proven fact that using a cover over your moped reduces the chances of it being stolen, they are relatively in expensive and combined with other security measures are a good extra deterrent for theievs.


Disc Locks & Chains
It is wise to carry your disc lock or chain with you everywhere, as they are good deterrents, when using them, try to chain your moped to something immovable, lamp posts, railing and bike rails are all good options. Ensure your chain is as tight to the bike and object as possible and avoid where possible letting the chain lie on the ground.

Parking locations
Park your moped in a well lit well populated area, not in the dark corner of a car park with no cameras or flow of people.

Don't lock your helmet to the wheel

Some moped riders don't want to carry a helmet around and will chain it to the wheel, this is asking for it to get damaged, and if someone kicks it hard you may not even know and the helmet could become defective in a crash, not to mention get very dirty. If you don't want to carry it, invest in a top box.


Have a look at using datatag or Alphadot security, this marks your bike with hidden inks containing a unique code, so that should your bike be stolen and found you can easily prove it’s yours. The stickers saying you have it will also be a good deterrent. 
The key thing to remember however is that your bike remains insured for theft, that way should the worse happen, it won’t feel like your world has come to an end.

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